We’ve been connecting young people with industry and have gathered some resources to help you transition to industry 4.0 and advance manufacturing in Queensland and invest in your future workforce. We trust they assist.

Please be sure to get in touch if you require evidence of your connection for your tenders and submissions. Our goal is to provide value to both our schools and industry.


Work Experience Guide for Employers


Download our employer guide to hosting and supervising students undertaking work placement.

Here’s a peek at what’s inside:

  • About Work Experience, Work Placement, the Structured Workplace Learning Program and Cadetships

  • Benefits to the Host Workplace

  • Work Placement Process

  • Workplace Supervisors

  • Introduction to the Workplace

  • WorkSafe WH&S Injury and Prevention and Management Program

  • Sample Employer Checklist & Student Induction

  • Sample Confidentiality Agreement

  • Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace


Free Placement Schedule Example

Get a free copy of the Gateway School Student Placement Schedule Example kindly supplied by G&O Kert.


Blue Card information

Working with school students
To require a blue card in a school, you must be providing services at a school that are directed mainly towards children; or conducting activities at a school that mainly involve children.

If you are entering the schools to teach/conduct activities with the students, a blue card will be required (provided the frequency is met, as below). If you and your team are simply visiting the school and meeting with the teachers or Principal, you will not require a blue card.

Supervising work experience students
Under the blue card system, you will not need a blue card if you are only giving help or guidance to a child as part of their employment. This includes supervising or assisting children participating in a work experience arrangement. This appears to be relevant to the STEM tours into industry.

Minimum frequency
You should also consider the minimum frequency of employment.Volunteers, students and paid employees will not need a blue card if their regulated child-related work is not more than 7 days in a calendar year. If it is more than 7 days, a blue card is needed.

The calendar year starts from 1 January and ends on 31 December. A ‘day’ is for any period of time on one day, irrespective of whether it is a full day or part day.

If the person does not meet this frequency, they do not need a blue card, however they can still apply


Industry tour videos