Careers & Pathways

We invite students, parents, teachers, employers and anyone interested in a career in advanced manufacturing, to explore our collection of free resources and advice.

If you are a representative of a school interested in becoming part of the Gateway to Industry Schools Program for Advanced Manufacturing, contact us.

Fast track your post-school studies

Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths (STEAM) and Skills and Training in schools can fast track students post-school studies. Gain a greater understanding of how subjects connect to the advancing manufacturing and engineering industry by exploring this list of study pathways.

If you choose to complete a certificate as part of Skills and Training, you may then be eligible to receive credits towards universities courses.

Most manufacturing and engineering industry, if you commit to a trade pathway, will consider contributing to your university degree in engineering, mechatronics or robotics once you finish.

Access our comprehensive advanced manufacturing career and subject pathway guide.


Imagine using TECHNOLOGY to DESIGN and make products [MANUFACTURING] which solve problems [ENGINEERING] for people everyday in your world of work. 


21st century people & human skills allow you to choose and create a meaningful pathway into any industry.


TAFE Harrison Profiling tool


Download the Student
Expression Of Interest form for schools



Years P-10

Digital Technologies
Visual Arts
Work Studies

GENERAL: Years 11-12

Digital Solutions
General Mathematics
Mathematical Methods
Specialist Mathematics

APPLIED: Years 11-12

Engineering Skills
Essential Mathematics
Food and Nutrition
Furnishing Skills
Info. Communication Technology
Industrial Graphics Skills
Industrial Technology Skills

Visit for further information on these subjects.


Skills and Training

We recommend speaking with your careers advisor to confirm the following as seek advice on which certificates can be offered in school, or as part of a careers pathways from industry.

Certificate I

Information, Digital Media and Technology

Certificate II

Automotive Vocational Preparation
Engineering - Production Technology
Engineering Pathways
Aircraft Line Maintenance 
Aircraft Surface Finishing
Applied Fashion Design and Technology
Food Processing
Furniture Making 
Furniture Making Pathways
Information, Digital Media and Technology 
Leather Production
Manufacturing Technology
Meat Processing (Abattoirs) 
Meat Processing (Food Services)  
Process Plant Operations

Certificate III

Engineering Technical
Manufacturing Technology
Meat Processing (Abattoirs) 
Meat Processing (Food Services)  
Process Plant Operations

Certificate IV

Engineering - Production Technology
Engineering Pathways
Aircraft Line Maintenance 
Aircraft Surface Finishing
Applied Fashion Design and Technology
Food Processing
Furniture Making 
Furniture Making Pathways 
Leather Production


Engineering - Technical
Interior Design

Advanced Diploma

Applied Fashion Design and Merchandising


University Pathways

We reached out to our university partners to find out pathways for students to enter an advanced manufacturing career. Here is their advice:

University of Southern Queensland

There are 3 pathways via the mechanical engineering discipline into the Advanced Manufacturing sector. Manufacturing is a sub-discipline of Mechanical.

Pathway 1: The 4 year Bachelor of Engineering Hons (Mechanical)
Pathway 2: The 3 Year Bachelor of Engineering Science (Mechanical)
Pathway 3: The 2 Year Associate Degree in Engineering (Mechanical)

The 4 year Bachelor of Engineering Hons (Mechatronics) is also creditable pathway into manufacturing because of the AI and Robotics involved in advanced manufacturing.

Griffith University

  • Bachelor of Industrial Design Program QCA/Eng  Code 1407

  • Bachelor of Design  Product/3D Major    QCA  Code 1189

Dual Degrees: 

  • Industrial Design/Engineering  Code 1441

  • BDES Product 3D/Business  Code 1568

RMIT University

  • Associate Degree in Digital Technologies (Advanced Manufacturing)
