
Girls In STEM Toolkit


The Girls in STEM Toolkit (The GiST) is an innovative toolkit funded by the Australian Government Department of Industry, Innovation, and Science, and developed by Education Services Australia. Learn more


What is The Girls in STEM Toolkit (The GiST)?

This toolkit aims to encourage girls to study and pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) and is packed with information, resources, activities and a career quiz to build girls’ confidence in STEM. The GiST focuses on addressing the under-representation of girls and women in STEM at school, university, and the workplace. It aims to build female students’ confidence around STEM subjects, and support teachers, as well as encouraging families to engage meaningfully with girls about pursuing careers in STEM. 

Why is it important to encourage girls in STEM?

There’s a current gender imbalance in STEM. There is an increasing demand in STEM careers but a shortfall of students pursuing STEM-related studies. The imbalance will not change when half the population is not being supported to engage in STEM. Improving participation for women and girls in STEM fields is a key step in building an inclusive, diverse and innovative workforce.

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