How to invest in manufacturing workforce skills for as little as one hour

We all know, you can’t learn to swim without getting in the pool.

The Gateway to Industry Schools Program — Advanced Manufacturing is addressing our skills shortage issue by investing and creating talent pipelines in Queensland high schools.

To meet future workforce demands and capture the opportunities of industry 4.0 (fourth industrial revolution), we need you, as an industry leader.

To inspire and attract young people into a career in manufacturing, they and their parents need to see and experience what type of jobs are available to them now, and into the future.

To manufacture our future workforce, we need your support.

Learn how you can help

“It was enlightening to see through QMI and the Gateway to Industry Schools Program, that we could have a good impact by changing the perception of manufacturing, and in fact, we have an obligation to assist.”

- Warren Schroder, Designworks

Here are just a few of the ways you can get involved by partnering with us in 2020.

  • Visit a school and share your story and the skills we’re after — 1hr

  • Invest your corporate social responsibility funds into future skills case study to raise your profile $1000 — unlimited

  • Participate in a pilot program or case studies e.g. Blockchain trail, learning factories etc

  • Give a behind-the-scenes tour for students or teachers — 1.5hrs

  • Be a guest speaker at an event — 20mins

  • Offer a Continuous Improvement Project to a school for a win-win

  • Participate in a Gateway Network Meeting and share your ideas — 2hrs

  • Mentor a teacher, no student involvement

  • Offer a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship

  • Offer student workplace experience (unpaid) — 1 week

  • Help develop learning resource kits for high school teachers — 2 hrs

  • Represent your industry on the Queensland Reference Group for manufacturing and engineering — 4 x 3hrs

For questions or more information please email Jules McMurtrie, our Program Manager.
