Industry schools program moves to Advanced Manufacturing

The Gateway to Industry Schools Program (GISP), funded and supported by the Queensland Governments’ Department of Employment, Small Business and Training, has undergone an exciting review, and is expanding in 2020. “This program lays the foundations for our young Queenslanders to gain valuable skills and knowledge before they walk out of the classroom” said Minister for Training and Skills Development Shannon Fentiman in a recent media release.

In the last 12 months, GISP manufacturing and engineering has connected 98 schools with the opportunity to be a part of an industry tour or initiative.

Students participating in Queensland’s Gateway to Industry Schools Program for Manufacturing and Engineering, are exposed to an invaluable range of industry endorsed learning experiences, to assist them in their career choices and pathways to employment.


For STEAM teaching staff, it provides access to advanced manufacturing factory tours, networking opportunities and technology training sessions, such as the recent CNC training workshop series, BOC Gas chemistry teacher PD and more.

QMI recently conducted a program survey asking schools how they would like their manufacturing and engineering program area developed, following additional industry feedback.

The results clearly stated that both sectors have a future focus on skills in robotics and technology. As we continue to align with industry and school needs, GISP manufacturing and engineering will now concentrate its focus on advanced engineering, updating its name accordingly.

What does the program change to advanced manufacturing mean for schools and industry?

We have witnessed positive, growing engagement, across school departments. For example the Head of Department — Technology, Head of Department — Industrial Technology and Design (ITD) and the Head of Department -Digital Media are collaborating to include industry based STEAM activities as part of their classes. Moving GISP to an advanced manufacturing focus, we can better support these school departments.


For industry, the majority of businesses in Queensland are small-medium enterprises.

One of the GISP Advanced Manufacturing role’s is help attract young talent into industry, supporting future workforce needs as they grow and adapt to Industry 4.0 opportunities.

QMI Solutions, the host of GISP for Advanced Manufacturing, also assists industry with immediate skills and training requirements through their industry engagement framework.

Both QMI and the new GISP for Advanced Manufacturing have an important role to play in connecting industry and schools and upskilling industry to recognise the industry 4.0 opportunities arising. We are committed to continuing to progress Queensland’s manufacturing industry and have a range of new and exciting initiatives and opportunities to share in 2020.