Inspiring Industry 4.0 Teacher Training


In 2020 we provided a Design Thinking Masterclass to 187 Advanced Manufacturing Gateway School teachers via one of our training providers, Inspired Education Australia.

100% of teachers said they recommended the training.

With such great feedback, we asked teachers what they needed training in next.

Overwhelmingly the response was Industry 4.0. We listened, and we took action.

In 2021 were are rolling out a series of Education 4.0 Workshops across the state of Queensland with our trusted training partner IEA. The teacher professional development workshops are syllabus aligned and has been delivered to metro and regional towns all over Queensland reaching schools from Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sunshine Coast through to Long reach, Cairns and even as far as Mossman in Northern QLD.

This is what STEAM teachers have said about the training so far:

“I like how it’s interactive, provides networking with other teachers, the sharing ideas and you experience the design process.”

“Face-paced, inspiring with broad appeal.”

“Thoroughly enjoyable experience – very inspiring how to integrate VR in the classroom”


Teachers have been able to upskill and support their teaching with the latest industry knowledge, resources and support required for embedding Design Thinking (critical and creative problem solving) into their teaching alongside lo-fi prototyping, rapid ideation, empathy mapping and various visualisation techniques.


“Hands on design develops pedagogical understanding.”

– Teacher & Design Thinking Workshop Participant


The Education 4.0 professional development training builds on the Design Thinking Masterclass and empowers teachers with the use of the right tools and technologies for immersive learning and teaching, incorporating IoT, VR/AR, Big data and various other industry 4.0 related topics.


If you are an Advanced Manufacturing Gateway School teacher, check out the Events Calendar for details and your opportunity to join the next Education 4.0 workshop.