Launching careers through the Science of Rockets


Science of Rockets is a Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM)  course created by PFi Aerospace and proudly supported by Gateway to Industry Schools Program Advanced Manufacturing (GISP AM) that aims to inspire students of all ages to get involved in the space industry.

The program was created to address the increasing need for skilled tradespeople in space, aerospace, and advanced manufacturing. The Australia 2030: Prosperity through Innovation Report found that the demand for VET level qualifications in New South Wales alone is set to increase from 30% in 2015 to 45% in 2036. On the other hand, many industry sectors involved in the evolution of advanced technologies, AI and robotics are noticing a lack of skilled labour to help fuel their innovation and growth. This is partly due to a decline in school and university students studying these skills. PFi developed a STEAM program directed at the emerging workforce currently studying in Australian secondary schools to address these issues through an innovative and hands-on learning experience. 

The HAILI (Hybrid All Inclusive Learning Instrument) Rocket STEAM Program is a course that allows students to gain an understanding of advanced manufacturing and experience first-hand the innovation techniques and technology available to them should they pursue a career in the industry. By stepping away from their textbooks and experimenting with advanced rocket technology, the program builds student confidence and interest in STEAM and shows them they don’t need to be a rocket scientist to understand rockets. By gaining practical use of a wide range of STEAM skills and how to combine them in fun and innovative ways through the handling of a real hybrid rocket motor, the HAILI Rocket STEAM Program aims to ignite student curiosity in STEAM based learning and potentially a future career in advanced manufacturing.

Advanced Manufacturing Gateway Schools involved in the HAILI Rocket STEAM Program so far are Kelvin Grove State High School, Park Ridge State High School, St. Brendan’s, St. Edmunds, St James, St Laurence’s, and Glenala State High School. By taking part in this program, these Gateway Schools are offering their students both theoretical STEAM studies with real-world problem-solving challenges that enhance industry 4.0 skills and training.

We are really excited to embed the program into our junior STEM space and think the focus on multiple strands of science in unison with transferable skills like collaboration, teamwork and communication is a really strong base for our boys to develop skills that will be integral for their success in senior schooling and beyond!

- Eliza Harris, Director of Pathways, St Edmund's College

The critical thinking skills gained from this program are the foundation on which industries and economies of the future will thrive. That’s why it’s crucial for industry to take part in programs like the HAILI Rocket STEAM program, to connect and build relationships with students who are appropriate for future internships, apprenticeships and scholarships. The Science of Rocket’s Industry Sponsorship Program aims to provide students with a better understanding of the skills industries are seeking in graduates, plus allow sectors to identify and build relationships with students who are keen to pursue careers in STEAM.

As an organisation founded on building STEAM connections and advanced manufacturing career pathways for the future, GISP AM jumped at the chance to be involved in this program. We’ve helped our Gateway Schools connect with PFi and brought in industry partners to sponsor schools to run the program, including Queensland Gaskets who proudly sponsored Glenala State High School’s HAILI Rocket STEAM Program. We’re proud to have made these connections and sparked a new angle of interest in advanced manufacturing.

To learn about how companies can become involved in the HAILI Rocket STEAM Program, get in touch.