Training for teachers in neuroscience benefits workplace and the classroom

Recent breakthroughs in neuroscience have revealed a human behaviour model – RELISH – which helps us understand human motivation and the impact it has on relationships, teams, families and organisations.

The Human Learning Collective provides the opportunity for Advanced Manufacturing Gateway School teachers to participate in introductory training in this area, to be able to pass on this learning to their school and students.


What is the RELISH model?

There is a science to building teams, communicating, keeping relationships on track, leading and engagement.

The RELISH model is based on social cognitive neuroscience coupled with ancient tribal wisdom, behavioural science and applied psychology. It unlocks a process that transforms our understanding and comprehension of what it means to work, live and play with others.

The RELISH model by Peter Burow, looks at six social cognitive needs of human performance. Each “need” provides a lens through which you can view the complexity of human behaviour.

Image credit: Human Learning Collective, Neuro Power

Image credit: Human Learning Collective, Neuro Power


Queensland Reference Group for manufacturing and engineering recognise that besides literacy and numeracy emotional intelligence is one of the core skills required by industry. This is why we partnered with the Human Learning Collective to deliver this program.

Teachers reviews

Hear what two of our teachers had to say about their experience:

I am absolutely loving the RELISH program! The topics so far have been really interesting and have caused powerful self-reflection. There are many elements, especially from the Relatedness portion of the program, that I look forward to intentionally implementing with the leadership team and amongst students as well.

- Jennifer Lavigne Head of EQ; MLC Maths and Science Teacher, Hillcrest Christian College


I’m really loving the course so far and have implemented the knowledge that I’ve learnt so far into my team. We started with Relatedness in our first faculty meeting this year, worked out the value that our department brings to Mabel and then also collaboratively came up with our norms as a team to ensure good culture (we call them the Tech 10).

We clearly defined our purpose for the year providing clarity around what work it is that needs to be done. As a leader I’ve found it hugely insightful helping me to understand some of my behaviours but also to ensure there is a balance between Relatedness and Leading the Pack.

- Michelle Cox, Head of Department Technology & International, Mabel Park State High School

If you are an Advanced Manufacturing Gateway School teacher and interested to learn more about the RELISH model, contact our Program Manager to discuss. Alternatively, contact Sarah Willmett at the Human Learning Collective for more information.

Case StudiesTara James