Tour to technology hubs inspire Gateway School teachers


As three technology and robotics hubs are now established in Brisbane, we took Gateway School teachers on a tour to discover more.

The 'Inside Advanced Manufacturing' Gateway School Tour provided high schools teachers with the opportunity to see the future of technology associated capabilities within the industry hub sectors.

We visited the ARM Hub, XR Hub and AI Hub.

Hear what some of the teachers had to say:

"This experience in touring advanced manufacturing facilities shows where education will adapt to meet the needs for industry for the near future. It's exciting!”

– Hadleigh Benson, Robotics Teacher - Park Ridge State High School

"What a fantastic experience where I gained an understanding of the real life applications for Smerling.”

– Wayne Spyve, Electronics Teacher - Park Ridge State High School

"The future is theirs; we just have to show them.”

– Brad Huggins, Teacher - Noosa District State High School


If you are a Gateway School, reach out to the Program Manager to find out when the next Inside Advanced Manufacturing Tour is in your region.

Tours & Events