How a high school project is reducing downtime for a manufacturing company

It’s not every day that a group of high school students get to solve a real-life problem for industry, but that’s exactly what the latest Gateway pilot initiative has achieved.

We live in a world where supply chains are becoming shorter and demands for research, development and agility is high. A common challenge that industry face with continuous improvement projects is the downtime of staff. Often the projects involve taking skilled manufacturers, engineers and other employees away from regular BAU activities that are direct income-generators for the business. This creates a revenue issue.

An opportunity presented itself as part of the Gateway to Industry Schools Program (GISP) for a manufacturing company and high school to collaborate, to address the issue.

The GISP facilitated a tour of Cascade Australia for year 11 Kelvin Grove State College, Certificate II Engineering Pathway students. Cascade Australia are global leaders in the design, manufacture and marketing of materials handling equipment and related technologies. Throughout the tour student gained insight into the application of continuous improvement projects that are an essential part of the LEAN philosophy of business.

From discussions between teaching staff and Cascade, a pilot initiative was born. Pathway students took on a project to improve the safety of the warehousing pallet racking. Cascade provided the team support and at minimal commercial cost a great solution was created.

This case study shows that with minimal financial and time investment, companies within industry have a lot to benefit from partnering with schools. The results can even save a business money.

The investment is not only in continuous improvement, its an investment in our future workforce. By offering schools the opportunity to solve real-world problems, it increases student interest in STEAM subjects and helps get young people employability ready. Not only does it enhance their learning, but it is also a valuable way for a business to identify their recruitment needs without the usual associated costs.

If you’re interested in learning how your company can team up with a Gateway School for your next continuous improvement project, get in touch.