Tec-NQ graduates lead the way with Industry 4.o 'Smart Garden' School Initiatives, Industry PartnershipsNovember 17, 2020South Dalby State HighschoolSTEM, Industry 4 0, garden, Tech-NQ
STEAM ahead at SOUTH School Initiatives, Guest PostsNovember 11, 2020South Dalby State HighschoolDrone, World of drones, Competition, STEM, Dalby, Industry 4 0Comment
Glenala State High School take the lead in Future Anything School InitiativesGuest UserNovember 14, 2019Advanced Manufacturing, Case Study, Entrepreneurship, Industry 4 0, Student EducationComment
Want to encourage young people into trades? Case Studies, Industry Partnerships, School InitiativesGuest UserAugust 29, 2019Education, Gender Equality, Industry 4 0, Industry SupportComment
How the QRG and Gateway to Industry Schools Program (GISP) works… Media & Announcements, Industry Partnerships, Case Studies, About-us-featured, Guest PostsLachlan WrightJuly 22, 2019About Gisp, Advanced Manufacturing, Government, Industry 4 0, ManufacturingComment
Connect to a Gateway to Industry Schools Hub Industry PartnershipsGuest UserJuly 8, 2019Education, Industry 4 0, Industry Support, ManufacturingComment
How Kelvin Grove SC student are developing confidence and capability in 3D printing Case Studies, Industry Partnerships, School InitiativesGuest UserJune 26, 20193D Printing, Advanced Manufacturing, Case Study, Industry 4 0, ManufacturingComment
How industry ‘Gateway Days’ link teacher and student learning Case Studies, Industry Partnerships, School InitiativesGuest UserJune 19, 2019Advanced Manufacturing, Case Study, Industry 4 0, Manufacturing, VideosComment
GISP & Grandshake: Connecting jobs and talent Case Studies, Industry Partnerships, School InitiativesGuest UserJune 17, 2019Advanced Manufacturing, Case Study, Industry 4 0, Manufacturing Processes, VideosComment
Advanced manufacturers highlight their connection to STEAM learning Case Studies, Industry PartnershipsGuest UserMay 21, 2019Advanced Manufacturing, Case Study, Industry 4 0, Manufacturing, VideosComment
Growing manufacturing career awareness for our future workforce Guest UserMay 13, 2019Advanced Manufacturing, Case Study, Industry 4 0, Manufacturing, VideosComment
How a high school project is reducing downtime for a manufacturing company Lachlan WrightApril 17, 2019Case Study, Engineering, Industry 4 0, Lean, ManufacturingComment
Media interviews ‘Women Who Weld’ students Media & AnnouncementsGuest UserApril 15, 2019Gender Equality, Industry 4 0, Manufacturing, Media, VideosComment